Monday, October 4, 2010

How did I get here?

I am not sure where I really saw myself on a personal level at the age of 33, but I can say that I don't think I envisioned the life I am currently leading. Throughout my twenties I felt secure that I would spend my life with drummer boy*, despite our dysfunctional, and oftentimes harmful relationship. I was committed to making it work through thick and thin, at least that is what I told myself then. In hindsight I realize I stayed due to lack of self-esteem, self-confidence issues, and just generally being terrified of being alone. With a lot of introspection I shed that person, and am a much stronger, self-assured, and indepenent woman. I am grateful for the end of that relationship because it taught me a lot about the person I was, the person I have become, and the types of intimate relationships I want for myself going forward in my life. I spent a long time single, not necessarily out of choice, but I believe the Universe was helping me figure myself out and help me become readied for whatever my next relationship would be. At the perfect moment in stepped computer boy, who was lovely, caring, open, trustworthy, and not the right person for me despite my every effort to make him so.

So here I am single again, and really for the first time, actually dating. As in meeting multiple people, and developing relationships with them simultaneously. Its been fun, interesting, and at times harrowing. As a result a friend at work suggested I blog about my many misadventures on the path to finding my match. So good, bad, and ugly, here are my experiences as a thritysomething in a new City trying my hand at dating.

*All names have been changed to protect the innocent, and the guilty.

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