Sunday, October 17, 2010

Chef Boy.

Let me preface this post with I have dated more in the three months I have lived in the City then I did in the nearly year before I was single in Sacramento. I am not sure what that says, but I am happy for the change. I have never really dated before, as a serial monogamist it can be somewhat problematic to Its been refreshing and fun meeting new people and getting to know them, whether it goes anywhere romantically or not.

So with that enter Chef Boy. I had seen his profile, and he seemed fairly adorable, and indicated he was just looking for new friends. He wrote a lot about cooking, changing careers to focus on being a chef, and generally seemed interesting. I sent him a message about sazerac cocktails....and a conversation ensued. Now I figured yay to new friends. We kept up quite an email exchange beginning in September, but our schedules just never really met up. He moved from NOPA to the Presidio, and then was traveling loads, and well work and life have been keeping me busy. However, finally the planets aligned and we made plans to meet on Thursday.

I had to be in Sacramento fro a deposition, but I wanted to meet him so I figured I could make it work. That day he emailed me so we could figure out what we might do, he suggested either cocktails out, or a sunset walk at Chrissy Field with the dog, and a bottle of laphroaig he had just purchased. That email was my first clue I might not just be meeting up for some casual hang out. I mean seriously sunset walk....the boys here are so much better at the date thing! I made it back to the city by 6:30 which sort of estopped the sunset walk.

I rushed to shower, dropped my Here Sweetie delivery with harpygirl, and walked to meet Chef boy at Rickhouse. I had not been, but he said it could be fun. I got there just a bit late, and he was right there, and Tall. Shaggy haired. Glasses. Dressed well. And um generally adorable. He gave me a hug and kiss on the cheek, so further swoon. We ended up having several fun cocktails, one scotch based, one rye based, and one bourbon based. We let the waitress guide us, it was fun. Great conversation. Now I had not had dinner given the rush to meet him nor had he. We walked over to Cafe Claude shared a cheese plate and then another cocktail. He has an adorable brand new shiny black Vespa and we walked back to his scooter. He had mentioned making it an early night because he had a friend coming in from Chicago but when we got back to scooter he did not seem all that intent on going home. Instead, he kind of invited himself over. So we scootered over, San Francisco my friends is already a terribly romantic city, but seeing it on the back of a scooter with a cute boy takes the cake. We got back to my place, which was a shambles (well for me, I realize those who know me will know my shambles is other people's clean) Poured us some scotch and we took Sir Trout out for his evening constitutional. We came back, and well making out started that lasted a long time, and I know I had my scotch glass in hand the whole time....and well one thing led to another, and alas, good sex redeems really bad sex.

At around 4 am! he got dressed and went home, and I promptly feel asleep only to awake at 7 am for work! EEKS!

I realize it is not always wise to sleep with people on a first date, well let's face it its never really wise but it can be fun. And this was. I figured maybe I would hear from him, maybe not, no biggie. Alas that morning he texted and we have plans for dim sum next week...not sure what to make of chef boy though. He seems maybe a little out of my league, very handsome, very well educated, very very successful, maybe a little independently wealthy. I am just rolling with it, and appreciating someone who likes good food, fun cocktails, is smart and charming and seems to like me. YAY....

To follow, one more date, with another scooter boy and I think that will catch us up.

1 comment:

  1. Ooh, that sounds crazy fun! And you're a beautiful single self-made lawyer... how could anyone be out of your league?
