Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Cuban and the Girl from Ohio, Final Act/Fallout.

So there I am with this complete stranger with whom we are both enamored and have slept with, and who in turn has lied to both of us. Her first instinct was to get drunk, mine was to fuck with him.

We went up to his/her place. In a moment of weakness I told her she could stay at my place. That the current situation was not a good one emotionally, she knew no one in the City and to come to my place to regroup. She readily accepted the offer....boy I had no idea what I was signing up for.

She kept drinking and wanting to send him accusatory texts etc....I got her not to. Rather he sent a text saying he was on his way home. I sat down on his sofa and told her to hide out in the loo. I heard him outside the door, I sat casually, legs crossed waiting, he opened the door, took one look at me there on his sofa, turned around, and walked out the door. About 5 minutes later I got a text tell me he had royally fucked up and we should talk....hmmmm ya think?

I agreed a discussion was in order and he should meet me at my place. She had moved her stuff to my place during the course of our afternoon. So I left her at his place, drinking wine and headed home. There he was and he knew he was busted. In a big way. We went up to my place and talked, it was somewhat surreal and funny, I expected to cry, to be upset, to yell. Instead I was calm. He tried to explain what really was inexplainable.

I advised she was going to stay with me until she figured out her next move, and that he should abstain from further contact with me. He replied that he loved me (yea right) and I *almost* fell for it! He headed back to his place (we live about 6 blocks from one another) and called to tell me she was passed out etc...and he did not know what to do. I told him he ordered her from Ohio he could figure it out.

The next morning on my doorstep she appeared. Hungover. Badly. She settled into my jr. one bedroom apartment a little too easily. Eating my food. Occupying my sofa. It became clear almost immediately she is crazy or unbalanced and had no intention of heading home despite her lack of money, job, or potential for either. Finally I had enough given that I work from home, I told her friends were coming to town that weekend and she needed to go, she went back to the Cubans last I knew of.

So good riddance to them both, and I hope they have lovely lives either separate or apart. But so began my dating trials in the city by the bay.

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