Saturday, October 16, 2010

Foot Boy.

The same weekend that Cuban boy and the girl from Ohio revealed itself I had already arranged to meet up with a couple of fellas who had been kind enough to invite me out and given that prior to my new knowledge the Cuban had been acting weird I happily accepted. I double booked one for coffee the other for drinks in the evening. My coffee date had suggested Four Barrel in the Mission and harpygirl warned me to expect a hipster boy. We had exchanged a couple of messages, but as per usual I like to just meet people and see if there is any connection. He seemed cool, recent move from L.A. originally from Maryland about the same age, loads in common, interesting etc.

We met for coffee, however, only after several text messages regarding his tardiness resulting from BART delays. He was swoon worthy, more so than any of the pictures would indicate. Tall. Dark. Handsome. Cute glasses. Well dressed. Very complimentary to me. Touchy, as in touch my neck etc...our date went well and then sort of abruptly ended because he had made plans with friends.

Alas he walked me to my car and before I even go to the stoplight he had texted me asking me for a second date. :) I was stoked especially in light of the recent Cuban debacle. We made plans for the following Friday. Throughout the week I heard form him daily texting back and forth and the anticipation for our second date increased. We made plans to meet for Burmese and then play it by ear.

We met at the restaurant, had a lovely leisurely meal. I mentioned the meteor shower was going on and after we drove to Ocean Beach to see if we could see anything, but it was too foggy. So instead we walked along the beach and enjoyed the last vestiges of the bonfires. We headed back to my place and sat up talking and having wine. He left at 3am. I was over the moon, until we got to the door, and I got a hug, no kiss, no even weird awkward move in for the kiss. Nothing. Then nothing. No text the next day nothing. I gave him three and then not mad but more befuddled I sent him an email kind of asking what happened.

Below is the message I got back.....

I did not want to say it but I am a pretty kinky guy and it seems like you are not into that at all. However, I do find you to be a very smart, well cultured, and cool lady and if you want to be friends I am more than down to be a new friend in SF. Hope all is well!

LOL was my response. Now not to toot my own horn but obviously this guy had no idea about me. I mean despite my dating information etc he made some pretty HUGE assumptions. I was just fairly happy to have a response and was happy to be just friends. The following weekend was his birthday and I wanted out of town so we went to Bodega Bay for the day. Sat at beach shared a bottle wine, some homemade cheesecakes, had dinner etc. It was a lovely day...until I changed into my flip flops. See his kinky was a foot fetish, and well apparently I have adorable feet. We ended up back at my place and this time I got my kiss and a whole lot more, but no sex, which was fine by me.

Things seemed to be fine, regular texting, hanging out, movies, wine, coffee, no physical interaction. It still seemed weird though it was like we were a hybrid not really dating but not not dating. I could not figure it out and was happily hanging out with lots of other guys....until....

Foot boy had mentioned a band he liked. I looked them up dug their music and saw they were coming to SF. I mentioned it in passing text to him, he then asked if he could come with me. I happily agreed, and in the next few weeks we made plans to meet etc....

Then, two hours before said show he calls me to tell me he is going to the show with someone else but he cant wait to hang out and see me there. This AFTER I had purchased TWO tickets and he had agreed to pay me back. I did not know what to say on the phone and acted ok and hung up. I was not ok. Not because I was upset he wanted to take someone else. Upset to be left hanging two hours before in a City where friends are scant right now, and no real options. I did not see myself as an awkward third wheel and did not feel like going alone and then attempting to avoid him.

I sent an email and a text explaining that his behaviour was not ok. He should have been honest owed me no explanations but should not have made plans with me if he intended to bring someone else, blah blah blah. He replied he was sorry, wanted to pay me back and well that he was sorry for any confusion. That pretty much pissed me off more and I told him that he should maybe not contact me anymore.

I am an open and honest friend and expect the same in return he did not seem to get that I was not upset over some other broad he liked but rather that he lacked the balls to mention anytime before the night of the show.

*Sighs* Trust me readers it does get better as in less douches and more awesome dudes.

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