Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Cuban and the Girl From Ohio, Part Deux.

The Cuban and I met in April. It started out lovely. Heart going pitter patter, anticipation everytime a text came, an email, a telephone call. Those late night conversations on the phone that I have not had since high school. He completely and utterly sideswept me. I was stunned this handsome, tall, intelligent, successful and creative man was interested in me. I felt sooo lucky! I tried to temper my feelings, I tried not to rush into anything but alas I failed miserably. In the beginning I came to the City a few times, however, I should have known almost immediately something was awry. He would make plans with me, well for me to come to see him, and then at the last minute he would cancel on me. I would be disappointed and confused, when really I should have been saying fuck him and moving on. But for whatever reason he had grabbed me.

I think now I was just so enraptured by this chemistry we shared which I had never experienced before. I was so thrilled to feel that instant affection that I heard about but had never had. In the beginning sex was amazing, intense, passionate. He was complimentary, it was like he knew everything I *wanted* to hear. I let the last minute cancellations slip, then I heard from him less, he selectively replied to texts and emails. I panicked. I called him and offered him an out, if he was not interested to let me know, as I did not want to develop any deeper feelings if the distance between us was too great. He was adamant he was very much interested. He came to Sacramento, but not to see me for work, and then he stopped by. I ignored that and forged on. Over the next couple of months he said amazing things to me....my logical self should have been ringing the alarm bells, but my heart was completely and utterly in the driver's seat.

Simultaneous to this relationship I was experiencing lots of changes, figuring out I needed to move for money reasons, generally being unhappy in Sacramento, and needing very much a change. I was spending loads of time with harpygirl and figured I would talk to my boss and see if relocating to the City was an option. It was. It was like the Universe was helping me along, things came together, I found a cute place I could afford, things were happening.

Meanwhile things between the Cuban and I became increasingly confusing for me. He seldom seemed to reply to emails, texts anymore, we saw each other sporadically, I continuously expressed concern. He assured me once I was in the City I would not be able to get rid of him. I kept him apprised, and he seemed thrilled I would be moving mid-July. I even took two weeks off work to help acclimate, and hoped we could spend time together since he worked from home etc.

Then the weekend of my move came, with a little help from countmockula, piggs, harpygirl, the sexy librarian, and my brother we made it happen. That first night I texted him and nothing. In fact there was nothing for almost a week. I was more than confused and disappointed, I tried not to let it get to me, kept myself occupied exploring etc.

Simultaneously this woman commented on a journal post I made on OkCupid. She seemed great. Funny, interesting, smart and we had loads in common AND she was new to the City. We exchanged phone numbers and made tentative plans to meet up sometime soon. The Saturday after I moved he called. It was the afternoon, I was thrilled when I saw his number pop up. I asked why he had not called sooner and he said he had wanted me to get settled etc. He was calling to invite me to an underground farmers market, however I had to decline as it was the same evening that harpygirl was having her cd release.

That week we spoke often, never quite finding time to meet up. The weekend came and I took a girls trip to my aunt's. He and I texted endlessly, it was wonderful, it really seemed as though all was right. That Tuesday we finally met up, he checked out my place, we had lunch, we took a nap together, it was everything I had thought it might be once I was here in the City. That weekend he mentioned he had plans, and harpygirl was otherwise indisposed so I decided to hit up my new friend from Ok Cupid to see what she was up to.

She mentioned a free movie, Dirty Harry, playing in Washington Square Park. It sounded fun we were exchanging messages, I asked where she was staying she mentioned in the Tenderloin, I was thrilled, so close! But I noticed she was being a little evasive as well, ultimately she said she was staying with a friend and the place was next to the Edinburgh Castle. My heart sunk. Part of me just knew. I asked if she was staying with *The Cuban's actual name. She replied yes. I sighed. I then asked if they were romantically involved, she said no but she wanted to be. At that point, I said I thought we ought to have drinks as there were some things we should talk about. We met at Amsterdam Cafe and I found out the "story."

Essentially he and she met online on OkCupid on the Friday before I was moving to the City. The same day he bought her a one way plane ticket to move into his 500 square foot studio on the promise that she would marry him. She had no job, no money and HAD NEVER met him but accepted the offer, and by Tuesday was in San Francisco. She said it started out swell, they had sex, hung out, and then the next day, nothing. Despite sleeping in the same bed night after night he stopped touching her, and well, needless to say things were awkward with them.

I asked her if she knew who I was when she commented on my journal. She said no, it was a coincidence. She did say she knew after the fact that he and I had been involved because he asked if she had made any friends. She showed him my profile and he indicated she should not mention to me where she was staying since I had been there and knew how small his place was, and that we had dated and I still wanted him. He then asked her not to speak to me.

What she did not know is he was still talking to me, sleeping with me, etc....and I had no idea this girl from Ohio was living with him.

She wanted to call him immediately, and I decided that it would be far more fun to fuck with him....

to be continued.

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