Sunday, October 17, 2010

Drummer Boy. Actor Boy. Google Boy.

So between the boys I have seen more than once there have been plenty of one time dates.

First up, drummer boy. Now I should probably be smarter given the 8 year relationship I had with drummer boy part 1, but this guy seemed nice, tall, 39, actually making a living as a musician. He invited me out to Samovar at Yerba Buena Gardens and I accepted. I had never been to Samovar and after a quick online consult it looked like an interesting place. I got dolled up and took the opportunity to walk, as its not terribly far from me. We met, he was all that he appeared to be. We had tea, shared a cheese plate, we walked to BART together, and then never spoke or saw each other again. Nothing wrong just nothing right either is weird like that, you meet people you can talk to, have stuff in common with, share a little laughter with, but alas just not feeling it.

Next, the same day I met foot boy I had plans to meet actor boy at Elixir in the Mission. He seemed cool, graphic designer for a small magazine, but into acting, and seemed to share my interests in good beer. We met for drinks (what is it with boys in the City only picking places in the Mission...I mean I'm just saying...) We had a good time, laughed a hell of a lot I knew I probably never wanted to see him again, and again we said goodbyes, and I wish him the best. Never heard from him again, so I think the lack of interest was mutual and palpable on both parts.

Finally, there was google boy. A bit younger than me, cute, nice, we had loads in common etc. We exchanged several emails, he invited me to a party at his house as our first meeting (which while it might seem weird won him a few points with me) alas I already had plans, so we made dinner plans at La Trappe in North Beach, so we could sample some awesome belgian beers and share a meal. We met up, he was cute, nice, funny, we had a 4 hour meal, beer session. I offered him a ride home, and when we parted he made sure I had his email and phone number. Next day I emailed him to thank him for dinner (he was the first boy I employed this whole I am not even reaching for my wallet thing with given he asked me out....) and to send a link to a website about how to make something we had discussed. We exchanged a few emails, and then nothing. Now ordinarily I would just brush it off but it seemed odd. I have never followed up with him, but he keeps looking at my profile about once a week, so its unclear what happened or what he is thinking. I figure I will leave well enough alone, I think I made it clear I would like to hang out with him again but he just does not seem to be all that terribly interested. C'est la vie.

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