Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Scooter Boy updates and more.

So its been a bit, and work and life have been keeping me busy as per usual. Halloween is my favorite holiday so I was focused on making an adorbs costume and having a good time, but wanted to update.

Chef Boy has been out of town first in NOLA, then NY, then Chicago, he returns tomorrow.
Ginger. Hmmmm, I have to admit I was sort of avoiding a confrontation, and we made plans last weekend for Saturday night, but they got boondoggled after I locked myself out of my apartment, with keys in Sacramento, and had to wait a couple of hours to track down the person with my spare. The next day we made plans which he cancelled due to a friend in town, and then I was swamped all week, and this weekend I was in Sac. So we have plans on Thursday. He has been a bit too clingy, but I noticed he has pulled back a little, but I need to have a conversation letting him know that I am seeing some other people I am a bit more interested in. I felt like a person to person conversation was the better way to address that.

Scooter Boy has proved to be something of a surprise. Physically he is pretty much the opposite of what I go for. I tend to gravitate to the tall, blond, blue eyed type, well tall at a minimum. He is a bit short, dark hair, brown eyes, but so damn sweet and endearing who gives a damn. Last week we had a last minute date, lunch, Randall Museum, hike onto hill to look over the City, and then the best part, a trip to Steward Street mini park slides! I cannot even remember the last time I went down a slide! I had a skirt on which made the endeavor fairly hysterical but it was loads of fun. He dropped me off. Then came over later for drinks and movie. Halloween night he came over for scary movie and fun! Yesterday we took the dogs to Fort Funston and then had linner. He sends me totally amazing emails and is funny and self assured. So yea things are going good.

I am considering taking a break from dating anyone else at this point as I feel like my dance card is a bit full, but at the same time I keep meeting really cool people who at a minimum I hope will stick as friends....

Oh and tune in later for more on the Cuban who has popped up, and db if you are reading he has a friend of yours in common....small, small, world I tell ya!

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