Thursday, January 5, 2012

Step One

Step One...picking a service.  I hopped on eharmony last night just to refresh my recollection, I started the process, and some 25 minutes later, I had finished their damn personality profile. I don't think I will register with them, but still reminded me of how much work the cultivation of a dating profile is.

The weird part about eharmony is the lack of personal stuff it asks...I mean it asks personal stuff, but not say, favorite  That stuff matters to me. I mean yea personality matters, but so what if we have nothing to talk about because you like Lil Wayne and think that Dan Brown is the Dostoyevsky of our generation? Not to mention what if you are just weird, that inexplicable weirdness that no matter how emotionally available the person is exists.

Sigh. Well I know this is work, and I am willing to put the time in, but I get so damn tired of picking four adjectives to describe myself! Fuck if I know what other people think of when they think of me.

Oh well, just a rant, and I am sure tonight I will put more time and energy into the process. But I wish a dude would just magically pop into my life and wanna be my boyfriend, it would just make things so much easier!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

A return.

So this has been largely silent-due to the fact I have not been dating. 2011 rocked me a little bit. I let myself fall a little bit in love with someone who broke my heart without being any wiser.  Then I did the unthinkable and gave someone another chance who NEVER EVER should have had one, and yea, that crash and burned too.  In August I thought there was a turnaround and I got burned again, so with all of that being said I put myself on a self imposed dating hiatus. It was liberating to not just disable but delete my okcupid profile.  The tail end of 2011 was hard, there was grief, depression, loneliness, all of which were mixed in with laughter, love, friendship and good things. 

As I venture into 2012 and what will mark my 35th year here on the planet, I endeavor to open myself up to the possibility of love.  So with that being said, I am going to put myself out there for dating again.  Although I think I am ready to try a different forum. Perhaps match (it is after all where I met Brandon) or maybe something new.  I did the date around and have fun thing and well it was fun, but I want, need, and am ready for something more.

I want someone who inspires me to be the best version of myself.  Someone to share the ups and downs.  Someone to hug me, and knock some sense into me when I need it. I want to travel, laugh, eat, drink and generally be merry with someone who I also have sex with...I know its a tall order, but seriously peeps, I think I am fairly quality.

Could I be prettier? Well no, given this is my face.  Could I be thinner? Fuck yea, only like 1% of the population could answer that with no.  Could I be more stylish? I endeavor to do so...With that being said I am a cute, independent, smart and occasionally hysterical lady, who while rife with idiosyncrasies, has nothing but love to give.

So 2012 I say bring it.